39# define RS_JOB_TAG 20010225
44# define MAX_DELTA_CMD (1<<16)
130# define rs_job_check(job) do {\
131 assert(job->dogtag == RS_JOB_TAG);\
Abstract wrappers around different weaksum and strongsum implementations.
Public header for librsync.
Return codes from nonblocking rsync operations.
rs_result rs_copy_cb(void *opaque, rs_long_t pos, size_t *len, void **buf)
Callback used to retrieve parts of the basis file.
MD4 message digest algorithm.
Description of input and output buffers.
The contents of this structure are private.
const char * job_name
Human-readable job operation name.
rs_long_t basis_pos
Copy from the basis position.
rs_byte_t * scoop_buf
Buffer of data in the scoop.
unsigned char op
Command byte currently being processed, if any.
rs_copy_cb * copy_cb
Callback used to copy data from the basis into the output.
rs_byte_t * scan_buf
The delta scan buffer, where scan_buf[scan_pos..scan_len] is the data yet to be scanned.
size_t copy_len
If copy_len is >0, then that much data should be copied through from the input.
size_t scan_pos
The delta scan position.
size_t scoop_alloc
The buffer allocation size.
rs_weak_sum_t weak_sig
The weak signature digest used by readsums.c.
int job_owns_sig
Flag indicating signature should be destroyed with the job.
size_t scan_len
The delta scan buffer length.
rs_result(* statefn)(rs_job_t *)
Callback for each processing step.
rs_byte_t * scoop_next
The next data pointer.
rs_long_t sig_fsize
The size of the signature file if available.
rs_result final_result
Final result of processing job.
size_t scoop_avail
The amount of data available.
rs_signature_t * signature
Pointer to the signature that's being used by the operation.
rs_byte_t write_buf[36]
If USED is >0, then buf contains that much write data to be sent out.
rs_stats_t stats
Encoding statistics.
weaksum_t weak_sum
The rollsum weak signature accumulator used by delta.c.
rs_long_t param1
Lengths of expected parameters.
The rs_mdfour state type.
Signature of a whole file.
Performance statistics from a librsync encoding or decoding operation.
Abstract wrapper around weaksum implementations.